Wastewater Treatment


Wastewater Recycling and Disposalaafloc03

Cleans Wastewater Economically Using the Original Bentonite.

Applications Include:

  • Washdown Water
  • Metal Working Coolants
  • Parts Washer Water
  • Vibratory Deburring & Finishing

Flocculant Removes:

  • Emulsified Oils
  • Heavy Metals
  • Suspended Solids

aawastewaterThis unique system of removing emulsified oils, metals and other contaminants from water utilizes a one step, clay based powder chemical addition to the wastewater. The unit agitates the water and chemically breaks the emulsion and generates a clay floc that scavenges contaminants out of the water into a non-leachable, disposable sludge. Clean water can now be recycled or safely put down the drain.

Systems from 55 gallon batch to tens of thousands of gallons per day!

We offer a complete line of wastewater treatment equipment including special media for removing hydrocarbons from water streams and encapsulating agents for solidifying sludges.

  • Easy one step treatment
  • Lowest price per gallon cost
  • Heavy duty easy to operate equipment
  • 70 years world wide experience

Safe to Use / Non-Hazardous

Removes Emulsified Oil – Toxic Heavy Metals &
Small Suspended Fines




                              Stabilization & Solidification Agents

    Solidify aqueous solutions and semi solids from containing organics, and matter with low to high solids / pH range from2-1212 / solidify / heavy metals and organics / Clay based reactant which is non-reactive and non-hazardous / absorbs oil and other high-molecular weight organics / eliminates blinding and maintains flow rates and can handle surges in organics.


   Extends life and absorbency of activated carbon / allows water to pass / removes dissolved, mechanically emulsified, and free oil from wastewater / easily adapts to general filtration systems.

Also, available is an extensive “Research & Development & Testing Laboratory”. Full testing of waste streams is available to always maintain “COMPLIANCE”